How to download and install OBS for MacOS


In order to be able to stream with Thinkzoom Live Virtual Classrooms, you'll need a broadcasting application installed to the machine you wish to stream on. We recommend OBS (Open Broadcast Software) Studio. As long as you have macOS v10.13 or higher, you can visit Select the Apple logo to be shown the available download options:dlMacOS.png

Click on "Download Installer" to trigger the download of the installer disk image (.dmg) file.


Once downloaded, select the .dmg file to begin the OBS Studio Installation process.


When the disk image is fully mounted, you will be presented with a pop up showing you that the OBS Studio application is now ready to be installed.



Simply drag the OBS icon to the Applications folder, and macOS will perform the necessary steps.


You will know that the installation is complete when you can see OBS in your Applications folder.



At this point, you can click on OBS to launch it for the first time. Upon doing so, you will want to grant access through the System Preferences security pop up that occurs. appsecurity.png

When OBS opens for the first time, you will be presented with the option to run an Auto-Configuration Wizard. We recommend that you cancel this Wizard, as these settings are not essential to getting your Thinkzoom LVC stream online.



You are now ready to create a Thinkzoom Live Virtual Classroom Session. From here, you will be able to retrieve the Server and Stream Key data that will connect Thinkzoom to OBS. You can find the support article detailing this procedure here.

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