Understanding the Weekly Requirement Report email



When you are a member of a Thinkzoom campus, there's a good chance you'll be assigned required courses to take throughout your time on the application. To help you stay on top of what is required of you on a week by week basis, Thinkzoom has the ability to send the members of a campus a once-a-week email we call the Weekly Requirement Report: 




The report is broken down into four areas members need to be aware of:

  • Courses Due This Week
  • Past Due Courses
  • Upcoming Courses
  • Courses with No Due Date


Courses Due This Week will list the courses due in the next seven days. Past Due Courses will list all courses that are still currently due for the user past the original due date that is displayed in red. Upcoming Courses will list courses that are approaching a due date, but are not within seven days of being due. This is upcoming range is for any course more than 7 days away from being due, but less than five weeks from the due date. Lastly, Courses with No Due Date will list courses that are required of the user, but have no due date.


These emails are sent off by default at 1:00 AM CST on Monday mornings, but if you are the admin of a campus and wish to have these be sent on a different day of the week, you have the ability to do so by going into your Campus Settings, clicking on the Customize submenu and locating the dropdown for WRR delivery: 


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