Customize Background Image on Your Login Page


This tutorial will show you how to customize the background image on your company's Thinkzoom login screen. 

By default, this is the background image that's currently on your Thinkzoom login page:


To replace that with another image, you'll need to go to Administration and click on Campus Settings. From the Account Details screen, click the Customize tab and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page until you see this section:



Click Choose File and upload your image. For best results, we recommend uploading a 1600x1000 image.

After you've uploaded the image, click Update Account to save your changes. To view your new background image, log out of your Thinkzoom account to redirect back to the login page.

If you need further assistance on this topic, feel free to contact our support team anytime between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, or if you prefer emails to phones, submit a support ticket.


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