Taking an Exam


Every course on Thinkzoom comes with an exam to help reinforce the lesson. To successfully pass an exam, you must get a score of 75% or higher to be eligible for an award/certificate. Once completed, that exam score will be logged into your User Profile for review at any time.

Exam questions may be presented in the following ways:

  • True or False
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Select
  • Fill in the Blank (you will need to type in the answer in the blue box that appears in the question)
  • Matching

To take an exam, click the orange Take Exam button directly below the course, or once you’ve finished the course, you will be prompted with a similar Take Exam button in the video. 

Click the Let's Get Started button to begin the exam.


After the first question appears, choose an answer and click Submit Answer to see your results.


A prompt will appear right away to let you know whether or not you got the answer right. The same process continues until you've answered all the questions.


Once you've completed the exam, you will receive a summary showing your final score and a review of each question and answer.


Also, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the summary, you'll see an option to share this summary with other users by entering your email address and clicking Send Exam Results.

If you need further assistance on this topic, feel free to contact our support team anytime between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, or if you prefer emails to phones, submit a support ticket.



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