Adding New Users without an Email Address


This tutorial will show you how to add new users who don’t have email addresses. To start, click Members from the main menu and select Create new user. Since the user you’re adding doesn’t have an email address, select the No Email Address? button.


In the field below, you'll need to enter in a username and password for this user.


Please note that the username cannot have any spaces in it and the password must be at least 8 characters long and the username must be at least 5 characters long. And because this user doesn’t have an email address they will not have access to certain features such as password recovery or email notifications.

Once you’ve entered in the details, click Create User.

If you need further assistance on this topic, feel free to contact our support team anytime between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, or if you prefer emails to phones, submit a support ticket.

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