Importing Users Who Have Email Addresses


In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to import users who have email addresses into your company’s Thinkzoom account.

For starters, we have Excel templates in the Thinkzoom Help Center to make it easier for administrators to work on their import list.

You can access them here.

Look for the first option that says, "Download the Thinkzoom import file using email addresses."

When using the import file, please remember to note the following requirements:

  • firstname: can not be empty
  • lastname: can not be empty
  • email: be at least 6 characters long with no spaces.
  • parentemail: This field must be filled in if the user's manager or administrator wishes to run reporting on them.
  • active: Designate "1" if you want the user to be active and "0" if you want the user to be inactive.
  • group: If you're adding multiple Groups for the user to be in you must use a semicolon as a separator for each.

You can also add other columns highlighting user attributes such as job department (department), job title (jobtitle), etc, to use for reporting purposes later on.


Once you’ve created the list, save it as a CSV file and go to your Thinkzoom dashboard. Click on Members and select View all from the drop-down menu to go to the main page. From there, click Import Members and upload the CSV file we just saved.


You will receive a notification that the file is being processed. Once it’s done, refresh the Members page and you’ll see that the new user has been added to your company’s Thinkzoom account. You can also find the new user using the search field.


With the new user added, you can view the user’s profile by clicking the blue pencil icon to perform a number of edits, such as managing their permissions, adding more details to their bio, adding or removing the user from any Group or Track, and so on.


If you need further assistance on this topic, feel free to contact our support team anytime between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, or if you prefer emails to phones, submit a support ticket.

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