Customizing the Logo and Color Bar in Thinkzoom


As an administrator, you can customize your Thinkzoom dashboard to include your logo directly above the main menu options.


To add in your logo, click on Administration from the main menu and select Campus Settings from the drop-down options. Once you're on the Account Details click the Customize tab and scroll down to the bottom until you see the Logo section.


To upload your company logo, click Choose File and upload the image. If you want to add a colorful background to your company logo, use the Styles section to find a particular accent color.

Once you're satisfied, click Update Account to save your changes. Now, return to the main dashboard to see your new additions.

If you need further assistance on this topic, feel free to contact our support team anytime between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, or if you prefer emails to phones, submit a support ticket.

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